Mastering Slugs in Ruby on Rails with Customizable Concerns


In the world of web development, the art of creating accessible and user-friendly URLs cannot be overstated. Known as 'slugs', these readable parts of the URL play a crucial role in enhancing a site's SEO and improving user experience by making links memorable and easy to share. Ruby on Rails, with its rich ecosystem and convention-over-configuration philosophy, offers developers a robust framework for building dynamic, scalable web applications. However, Rails does not provide an out-of-the-box solution for generating slugs, a gap that becomes more apparent as applications grow in complexity and require more nuanced URL structures.

Enter Rails concerns, a powerful feature of the framework that promotes the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle by allowing code to be extracted into reusable modules. In this article, we will embark on a journey to master slug generation in Rails applications. Starting with the basics of automating slug creation for model instances, we will gradually explore more complex scenarios, introducing customizable options to cater to different model requirements and ensuring uniqueness to avoid conflicts.

Setting Up the Rails App and its Models

We'll begin by generating a new Rails application from a terminal window:

rails new blogosphere --skip-jbuilder --skip-test
rails db:create

We will create three models: Author, Article, and Category. These models will help us illustrate different slug generation scenarios, from simple, straightforward implementations to more advanced, custom-configured slugs.

The following commands generate the models:

rails generate model Author name:string bio:text
rails generate model Article title:string content:text author:references category:references
rails generate model Category name:string description:text
rails db:migrate

With our models generated, let's establish the relationships between them:

# app/models/author.rb
class Author < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy

# app/models/article.rb
class Article < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :author
  belongs_to :category

# app/models/category.rb
class Category < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy

These associations reflect a common blogging platform structure, where authors can write multiple articles, and articles belong to a category.

Implementing the Basic Slugable Concern

With our Rails application and models ready, we now turn our attention to automating slug generation. This initial implementation of the Slugable concern will focus on simplicity, enabling automatic slug creation based on a model's name attribute upon record creation. This approach lays the groundwork for more sophisticated slug management strategies to be explored later in the article.

Creating the Slugable Concern

We'll start by creating a new file for the concern:

# app/models/concerns/slugable.rb
module Slugable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_validation :generate_slug, on: :create


    def generate_slug
      self.slug = name.parameterize if slug.blank?

This code snippet introduces a Slugable module that leverages an ActiveSupport concern to inject slug generation logic into any model that includes it. The generate_slug method, set to run before validation on record creation, generates a slug from the name attribute, ensuring it's only executed if the slug is absent.

Integrating Slugable with Our Models

To demonstrate the versatility of the Slugable concern, we'll integrate it with the Author and Category models. This step involves modifying each model to include the concern and ensuring they have a slug attribute for storing the generated slug.

First, let's add a slug column to the Author and Category models:

rails generate migration AddSlugToAuthors slug:string
rails generate migration AddSlugToCategories slug:string
rails db:migrate

If we wanted the slug column to be mandatory, we would beed to add a null: false option to the migration files.

Next, we'll include the Slugable concern in the Author and Category models:

# app/models/author.rb
class Author < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugable

  has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy

# app/models/category.rb
class Category < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugable

  has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy

With these changes, both Author and Category instances will automatically generate a slug based on their name attribute when created. This simple yet effective solution not only enhances the accessibility and user-friendliness of our application's URLs but also sets the stage for more complex slug management techniques.

Verifying Our Implementation

To ensure our Slugable concern is functioning as expected, we can run a quick test in the Rails console:

author = Author.create(name: "Jane Doe")
category = Category.create(name: "Technology")

# => "jane-doe"
# => "technology"

This test confirms that our concern is correctly generating slugs for our models upon creation, based on the name attribute.

Advanced Slug Generation: Ensuring Uniqueness and Customization

As our application grows, the need for more sophisticated slug management becomes apparent. Not all models will use the name attribute for slugs, and slugs must be unique across the application to prevent conflicts. To address these challenges, we will enhance our Slugable concern with additional capabilities: ensuring slug uniqueness and allowing customization of the source attribute.

Modifying the Slugable Concern for Custom Attributes

First, we'll adapt the Slugable concern to allow specifying which attribute to use for generating the slug. This flexibility enables us to cater to models with different attributes for their unique identifiers.

Update the Slugable concern as follows:

# app/models/concerns/slugable.rb
module Slugable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_validation :generate_slug, on: :create


    def source_attribute
      self.class.source_attribute || :name

    def generate_slug
      base_slug = send(source_attribute)&.to_s&.parameterize
      self.slug = base_slug if slug.blank?

  class_methods do
    attr_accessor :source_attribute

    def slugify(attribute)
      self.source_attribute = attribute

This version of the Slugable concern introduces a class method, slugify, allowing models to specify which attribute to use for slug generation. The generate_slug method then uses this attribute, defaulting to :name if none is specified.

Ensuring Slug Uniqueness

Ensuring that slugs are unique is critical, especially in applications where slugs are used as part of the URL. To achieve this, we'll expand our concern to check for existing slugs and append a sequence number if necessary.

We expand the Slugable concern with uniqueness handling:

# app/models/concerns/slugable.rb
module Slugable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  # Continued from the previous snippet...


  def source_attribute
    self.class.source_attribute || :name

  def generate_slug
    base_slug = send(source_attribute)&.to_s&.parameterize
    self.slug = unique_slug(base_slug) if slug.blank?

  def unique_slug(base_slug)
    if self.class.exists?(slug: base_slug)

This updated Slugable concern introduces an efficient way to handle slug uniqueness by appending a random hexadecimal string to the base slug if the slug already exists in the database.

Applying Advanced Slugification

With our concern now capable of handling custom attributes for slug generation and ensuring uniqueness, let's apply these enhancements to our models. As an example, we'll update the Article model to generate slugs based on its title attribute:

# app/models/article.rb
class Article < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugable

  belongs_to :author
  belongs_to :category

  slugify :title

We'll need to add the slug column to the Article model:

rails generate migration AddSlugToArticles slug:string:uniq
rails db:migrate

This setup designates the title attribute for slug generation in Article instances, leveraging the improved Slugable concern to ensure each slug is unique.

Testing Enhanced Slug Generation

To confirm the functionality of our enhanced slug generation, let's conduct a test in the Rails console:

author = Author.create(name: "Jane Doe")
category = Category.create(name: "Technology")
article = Article.create(title: "Introduction to Rails Concerns", author: author, category: category)
duplicate_article = Article.create(title: "Introduction to Rails Concerns", author: author, category: category)

# => "introduction-to-rails-concerns"
# => "introduction-to-rails-concerns-3a4702"

This test verifies that our Slugable concern now supports the generation of custom, unique slugs based on specified attributes, incorporating a secure random hexadecimal string to ensure uniqueness when necessary.

Enhancing the Slugable Concern for Custom Uniqueness

We can enhance the Slugable concern to offer customizable slug uniqueness options through class attributes and a flexible generation process:

# app/models/concerns/slugable.rb
module Slugable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    class_attribute :source_attribute
    class_attribute :slugable_opts

    before_validation :generate_slug, on: :create


    def source_attribute
      self.class.source_attribute || :name

    def slugable_opts
      self.class.slugable_opts || {}

    def generate_slug
      return if slug.present?

      base_slug = send(source_attribute)&.to_s&.parameterize

      if slugable_opts[:uniqueness] == false
        self.slug = base_slug

      scope = if slugable_opts[:unique_by].is_a?(Proc)

      self.slug = unique_slug(base_slug, scope)

    def unique_slug(base_slug, scope)
      if scope&.exists?(slug: base_slug)

  class_methods do
    def slugify(attribute, options = {})
      self.source_attribute = attribute
      self.slugable_opts = options

This approach allows for a high degree of flexibility in managing slug uniqueness. Models can now specify how uniqueness should be applied, either globally or within a certain scope, and even opt out of uniqueness constraints if necessary.

Real-World Applications of Custom Uniqueness

Let's explore three distinct ways to apply the slugify method in real models, demonstrating the versatility of our enhanced concern:

  1. Basic Uniqueness:

    For models where slugs should be unique across all instances, with no additional options required:

    # In an Author model
    slugify :name
  2. Opting Out of Uniqueness:

    In scenarios where uniqueness is not required for slugs:

    # In a Category model
    slugify :name, uniqueness: false
  3. Scoped Uniqueness with Custom Logic:

    For complex cases where slugs must be unique within a specific scope, defined by a custom lambda expression:

    # In an Article model
    slugify :title, unique_by: ->(article) { }

These examples illustrate the adaptability of the Slugable concern to various uniqueness requirements, from simple global uniqueness to more sophisticated scoped uniqueness, enhancing the application's ability to manage URLs effectively.

Leveraging Rails' to_param Method for Friendly URLs

Rails provides a powerful way to customize how objects are represented in URLs through the to_param method. By default, Rails uses the database ID of an object for its URL representation. However, for enhanced readability and SEO, it's beneficial to use a more descriptive identifier — in our case, the slug.

Customizing the to_param Method

Let's incorporate the to_param method into our concern:

# app/models/concerns/slugable.rb
module Slugable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_validation :generate_slug, on: :create

    def to_param

    # ...

  # ...

By embedding the to_param method within the concern, we ensure that any model instance using Slugable will automatically have its slug used as the parameter in URLs. This eliminates the need for individual models to override to_param, promoting DRY principles and simplifying the implementation.

Here's how to integrate and utilize the to_param method in a Rails controller and adjust the routing to accommodate friendly URL slugs:

# app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @categories = Category.all

  def show
    @category = Category.find_by(slug: params[:id])
    # This will allow URLs like http://localhost:3000/categories/technology

In the controller, when we fetch an instance of the Category, we use find_by(slug: params[:id]). It's important to note that while the routing parameter is named :id by convention, it can carry the slug value thanks to the to_param method's customization. This makes the show action fetch the category by its slug.

Routing Update for Slugs

To further refine the usage and to allow using a more descriptive route parameter (like :slug instead of :id), we can specify the parameter in the routes configuration:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :categories, only: %i[index show], param: :slug
  # This tells Rails to expect a :slug parameter instead of :id for category resources

After this modification, we can update the controller to use params[:slug] instead of params[:id], making the code more intuitive:

# app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
  # unchanged index action

  def show
    @category = Category.find_by(slug: params[:slug])
    # Now the URL and controller are more aligned in terms of naming, improving readability

The change in routing configuration allows your URLs to be descriptive and maintain consistency in naming, which benefits both developers and end-users. Remember, the to_param method's customization in the model ensures that link helpers will automatically generate the correct path or URL using the slug, without needing to explicitly specify it each time.